Monday 10 October 2016

One of this Summer's finds

An iguanodontoid footprint. Early Cretaceous (100 mya)

A reminder for my book!

 Mesozoic Tales

Thursday 6 October 2016

A question: Are these theropod or ornithopod tracks?

I am still not sure if these EK tracks from the mega track site are theropod or ornithopod tracks?

I am inclined towards the theropod ones. Judging from the shape and size of their footprints theropods were the most diverse dinosaurs at the site.

A reminder for my book:

 Wealden Pond

Monday 3 October 2016

My new book Wealden Pond

Dear friends, my dinosaur story ebook has just been published and is available here:
Wealden Pond

 Wealden Pond

 Wealden Pond

From the Main Brijun island

My research of tracks on the V. Brijun island from 2012: a couple of apparent large iguanodontoid footprints facing up and a large theropod footprint between them, facing down in the image.