Tuesday 23 July 2024

Pula: jedan od brojnih tragova ankilosaura

 Popravak atribucije starog nalaza traga dinosaura na pulskoj plaži: ankilosaur

Jedan od mojih nalaza tragova prije petnaestak godina u Puli. Isprva sam pogrešno mislio da je trag ostavio teropod. Kasnije sam zaključio da se radilo o četveronožnom dinosauru: anklyosauru. Ovo je vjerojatno otisak, odnosno prirodni odljevak prednjeg desnog stopala (manus). Iza, pri dnu fotografije se vidi djelomičan otisak većeg zadnjeg stopala (pes) iste životinje.

Monday 1 July 2024

Theropods and Sauropods of Pula

 Theropods and Sauropods of Pula

The EK mega track site. The Camp Stoja site.

Trag stražnjeg stopala (odljev na pedestalu) odraslog sauropoda (dio staze).

Čini se kao da je povrh traga još i trag troprstog teropoda.

Desno moja interpretacija

Sunday 30 June 2024

Theropods of Pula


Theropods were everywhere

From the Pula mega track site. Early Cretaceous (Late Albian)

I can see a left pes print of a big theropod. Note the middle toe (#3) curving slightly towards the right (the mid-line).

Thursday 13 June 2024

Veliki pernati teropod


Tijekom donje krede je došlo do određenog razdoblja hladnije klime, unatoč činjenici da je ugljikovog dioksida u atmosferi bilo čak deset puta nego danas. 

Je li to bio razlog da su se veliki teropodi "odjenuli" u proto-perje?

Osam-metarski kineski tiranozaurid je bio jedan od tih. Nakon okončanja hladnog perioda, klima se opet zagrijala. Da li su onda veliki teropodi izgubili perje? Ili im je to ostalo?


Monday 10 June 2024

Another strange body impression

The Pula mega track site

A peculiar case of the probable reptilian body print from EK mega track site in Pula. Candidates: croc, gator, monitor lizard, chamsposaurid. Seemingly very large oval scales on the belly. It appears it had 5 toes on legs - (croc has 4)

The photo of the impression in situ and my interpretation:

Some ref literature

27 April 2022


  • The ichnology of shallow-marine and transitional environments, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 10.1144/SP522-2022-344, 5221, (1-4), (2023).
  • Defining the Bemaraha megatracksite: an update on dinosaur ichnology in Madagascar, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 10.1144/SP522-2021-86, 5221, (2022).
  • Dinosaur tracks in a Cretaceous (lower Albian) braid delta system (Basque–Cantabrian Basin, western Pyrenees): linking trace fossils suites and short-term preservation windows, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 10.1144/SP522-2021-197, 5221, (237-264), (2022).

Sunday 14 April 2024

Clint Eastwood and Jerry Spring


A peculiar case of Clint Eastwood and Jerry Spring

Belgian comic book artist Joseph Gillain, better known by his pen name Jijé; 13 January 1914 – 19 June 1980, has started creating his Jerry Spring strip series in 1954. Strangely how this character reminded me of Clint Eastwood, whose first Western roles started in 1956. Here is Jerry spring in his first episode and Clint in his early career years.

Šetnja po Tivoliju

 Nekoliko fotki sa šetnje po ljubljanskom Tivoli parku
